fight involving PSU football players (punter)


New member
Feb 4, 2003
Kapinos punted 6 times for an average of 48.7 yards vs. BC. Other players unidentified as of this time. Joe is not known for being soft on guys involved in this kind of shit. May or may not impact the Nebraska game this Saturday...

Police investigating fight involving punter

By Nicholas Kershbaumer
Collegian Staff Writer

Police are investigating a fight involving at least one Penn State football player that occurred at about 1:22 a.m. yesterday in front of 5701 Nittany Apartments, police said.

Jeremy Kapinos, punter for the Nittany Lions, Brian Kee and Steven Eberbach were each cited for underage drinking and disorderly conduct by Penn State Police Services, Officer Adam Sucheski said. Eberbach is a Penn State student. Kee is not a student, but is from Kapinos' hometown.

No charges have yet been filed directly linked to a fight.

Eberbach and his girlfriend, Megan MacArthur, are still considering pressing assault charges against Kapinos and a group of about four or five people who allegedly attacked Eberbach, MacArthur said.

Sucheski said other individuals were involved in the fight, but police are unsure of their identities. The three men cited were the ones remaining at the scene of the altercation when police arrived.

Eberbach said Kapinos was one of the men fighting him, and he believes others in the group were football players. However, police were unable to confirm whether any other players were involved in the fight.

MacArthur, resident of 5701 Nittany Apartments, said she had met Kapinos before a party at her apartment and had talked with him to be neighborly. During the party, she told Kapinos she had a boyfriend, at which point he became angry, she said.

Eberbach said that later during the party he told a group of people outside the apartment, including Kapinos, to leave because they were making noise.

MacArthur said Kapinos and five other people began an altercation with her and Eberbach when the two tried to clear people away from the party. Someone in the group knocked Eberbach to the ground and pushed his head into the pavement. MacArthur dove into the fray, where she sustained a cut on her lip, but was not struck by any of the assailants, she said. Eberbach had a cut on his eyebrow and his cheek is brush-burned, MacArthur said.

"I was so scared [for Eberbach]. A fist fight is one thing, but that's trying to kill somebody," MacArthur said.

A community assistant (CA), the equivalent of a resident assistant in Nittany Apartments, witnessed the fight but spoke on condition of anonymity because releasing his name might compromise police and residence life investigations of the case.

The CA, who discovered the fight while making rounds, said Eberbach's account of the fight was correct. The CA was unable to confirm if other football players were involved, but said the men involved in the melee had builds similar to football players.

"It was just a bunch of guys beating up on one guy," the CA said. "What Steve [Eberbach] said is true. ... One of the guys was a punter, and the rest of the guys were big guys."

Penn State football team spokesman Jeff Nelson said he had no information about the fight.

A football player's status on the team would generally be determined by Coach Joe Paterno, or by both Paterno and the university if the Office of Judicial Affairs becomes involved, Nelson said.

Nelson said he has no information on whether Kapinos has previously been involved in similar incidents, and he declined to comment on the frequency of fights involving members of the football team.

Kapinos was unavailable for comment yesterday.

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